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Kenwood Management understands that this is an incredibly challenging time for our tenants. Just know that we are here for you and are working hard to provide solutions. We value the Kenwood Community immensely, which is why we will continue to invest in your health, safety, and success.

Kenwood wants to keep our tenants informed on the steps that we are taking to help keep your business and our properties protected from COVID-19. As a service to our valued Kenwood Community, we have invested in regular and routine electrostatic deep cleaning of our buildings to minimize the likelihood of anyone contracting the virus. Kenwood wants all of our tenants to feel comfortable and safe in their workplace environment, and we are undertaking various projects to deliver on that goal. 


To ensure the virus is eliminated on high touch areas, such as keyboards, desks, restrooms, railings, and door handles, Kenwood has invested in cutting-edge cleaning technology, EvaClean Protexus™ System. This impressive technology attacks and destroys contaminants on surfaces efficiently and effectively without the use of harmful cleaning substances. The 360-degree touchless disinfection and the sanitizing system eliminates germs where they hide in 50% less time than traditional cleaning methods. Through the use of the EvaClean Protexus™ System, Kenwood is able to clean 16,000 sq. ft. per hour, per machine.

The EarthSafe PURTABS used by the EvaClean Protexus™ System “has the power to kill up to 99.99% of bacteria and has demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus.”

As a part of our Kenwood Community, we will continue to deliver this service to help promote a safe and healthy environment. Kenwood will continue to monitor the ongoing developments as Maryland and Virginia begin to reopen.  Cleaning will continue on a regular basis once the Governor updates the guidelines and businesses begin to reopen. 

Please reach out to our team for any additional questions that you may have about our cleaning service or the proactive measures Kenwood is taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our buildings. Thank you.

As a part of our Kenwood Community, we will continue to deliver this service to ensure that you are able to conduct business in a safe and healthy environment. Kenwood will continue to monitor the ongoing developments as Maryland begins to reopen. Cleaning will continue on a regular basis once the Governor says that it is safe and businesses begin to reopen. 

We understand that this is an incredibly challenging time for our tenants. Just know that we are here for you and are working hard to provide solutions. We value the Kenwood Community immensely, which is why we will continue to invest in your health, safety, and success. 

Please reach out to our team for any additional questions that you may have about our cleaning service or COVID-19. Thank you.